Coping Skills Group


A program designed to help participants develop a wide range of coping skills to navigate the ups and downs of life

Participants will:

  1. Develop new coping skills to enhance their existing coping skills
  2. Learn about a wide range of helpful coping skills such as grounding, distress tolerance, mindfulness, safety, learning zone, and self-care
  3. Practice new skills and self-reflection


Who is this for?

This 6-week group is open to the community for all individuals 18+ years old


Why should I attend this program?

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented everyone with many challenges and we have utilized strategies to help us cope.  This program provides an opportunity to put more coping skills in the toolbox or serve to refresh and enhance existing skills that will help to navigate the ups and downs of life.
RESOURCES for past/present participants only. Password required.



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